
Summoning Margaret

Summoning Margaret

  Here is a very unfinished poem for day 13. I spent most of the evening decorating a prop Necronomicon, so unfortunately, I didn’t have a ton of writing time! Just normal evening activities.   SUMMONING MARGARET So there you go again – dying all […]

The Right Kind of Manifesto

The Right Kind of Manifesto

Day 12! Kinda can’t believe I’m still going!   THE RIGHT KIND OF MANIFESTO I bought a can of pineapple at the store like it was a thing I might enjoy and now it stares accusingly at me from the kitchen counter because I do […]



Day 11!   FATES We weren’t raised on scythes and needles though we sometimes dreamt of Death in elf-toed shoes, lazing around the city streets, playing dodgeball with dusty happy children. Why do we have so many questions pulsing in us like heartbeats? I am […]

Sine Qua Non

Sine Qua Non

Day 10! This poem came from an exercise I tried once or twice in undergrad. We had to “translate” a poem from a language we didn’t really understand and then turn the resulting gibberish into its own poem. So this poem is loosely based on […]

There is a hole in the Great Pyramid of Giza

There is a hole in the Great Pyramid of Giza

Day 9! This one is a real work in progress. It kept wanting to rhyme, and it’s so sing-songy… I don’t really know what to do with it. Definitely needs more time.   There is a hole in the Great Pyramid of Giza Like a […]

Murakami at the MFA

Murakami at the MFA

Day 8! Inspired by a recent trip to the MFA in Boston and their amazing Takashi Murakami exhibition.   Murakami at the MFA In 24 hours, I can paint your dragon red – see? – reflected in the shining, low-reclining Buddha with a thousand wide-mouth […]

Let love never be your hapax legomenon

Let love never be your hapax legomenon

Day 7! This is the most I’ve written in awhile and it’s been exciting to get back into writing every day. And challenging. And things are already getting strange. I blame the dictionary that was next to me when I wrote this…   Let love […]

Wake the Oracle

Wake the Oracle

Day 6! Almost a week in!   WAKE THE ORACLE who once sat stone-dark, immobile and born today. Watch my eyes move closer like a flounder like a brain’s white shyness standing in the doorway til the silence is gone. I should forget. I must […]

Love and Waste No More Time

Love and Waste No More Time

Day 5 and things are already getting wacky. This poem was inspired by paging through some Frederik Pohl short stories and a Nietzsche compilation (two books randomly pulled from my bookshelf). LOVE AND WASTE NO MORE TIME says everyone dead, but they never do convince […]

Healing for the Splendid Imperative

Healing for the Splendid Imperative

Day 4! Healing for the Splendid Imperative Lord, you are not going — god, lord god, and god of the future — press your space face close to mine, and sing me to my opera house. Bring a bale of hay and a bucket of […]